Turkey Day

Oh, good grief! Why are you reading my blog today? It’s Thanksgiving! Turkey to cook! Houses to clean! Relatives to annoy!

Every news outlet in the country will have it’s own take on things to be Thankful for. So, as has been somewhat customary in this spot, I’ll had my own tongue-in-cheek version of the same.

I’m thankful that Wegmans had their turkeys marked down on the very day I was in the store, but that I was smart enough to not need “other” Thanksgiving food that was marked UP while I was there.

I’m thankful that I no longer have to work in the retail or service industries on Black Friday, and that I don’t have to jockey for days off or trade holidays.

I’m thankful that while YOU are going to spen all night in line at Best Buy to be the first in the door at 3am to save 10% on your new HD Widget, I will sleeping late and enjoying a latte in my sweats at, oh, say 10am. You people are crazy

I’m thankful that, once a year, I can watch the Detroit Lions getting creamed without having to miss some other, more important game.

I’m thankful that I didn’t have to spend 8 hours going 250 miles with 100,000 of my closest friends on a freeway, or spend $2500 on airfare for the right to stand in a long line at security, be herded into a hollow metal tube, where I also had the right to pay another $50 to check my luggage and $9 for a snack pack served by surly flight attendants who don’t like their jobs on a day that is NOT the busiest travel day in the history of mankind.

Ok, more on task:

I’m thankful for a terrific family, including a son who celebrates his 5th birthday today.

I’m thankful for some friends from CA who’s mom was stricken ill while on vacation  in New Jersey (I know), who just got out of the Cardiac ICU after a three month visit following triple bypass. GO SALLY!

I’m thankful for the two companies my wife and I run, which enable us to spend more time with family, do what we want, when we want, and to maintain more sanity and control in our own lives.

In the meantime, clean the house, annoy the relatives, enjoy some turkey, take a nap, enjoy some more turkey, watch some football, and have a very Happy Thanksgiving! Now put down the laptop, and get to business!