Dispelling Myths About CPR

n 10+ years of teaching CPR, I have heard many reasons as to why people have waited so long to learn CPR, and what the general opinion is about CPR. While I am grateful that more people are learning, and that the time was finally taken to “do it”, I find it useful to dispel some of the myths and rumors that are out there.

*  “To relieve choking in a child you should lift the child up by the feet and shake”. What? Definitely not. I hear this almost every week. This is a great example of why you should take an American Heart Association CPR class. You will learn not only how to do CPR but also the proper way to relieve choking. This may have been the way we first learned CPR 30 years ago, but TV also used to be in Black and White. We can do better.
* “Someone else will be able to help”. The key to surviving cardiac arrest is the quick response of someone trained in CPR. A patient who collapses and does not immediately receive CPR has almost no chance of survival. Remember the guy a few months ago who was stabbed on the streets of New York City? I believe it was the 23rd person who passed him who initiated care. He bled to death.
* “You can learn CPR on-line”. While it is true that you can learn the steps of CPR from an on-line class it is absolutely ridiculous to think you could properly perform CPR on a real person after taking a computer based CPR class. Think about it like this; when you were sitting in driving class being taught how to handle a car on wet pavement was it anything like the first time you actually were driving on the highway in the rain??? Hands on practice is the key to developing muscle memory and proper technique. If you are looking for a CPR class make sure it includes hands-on practice and is through an accredited organization such as the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross or the American Safety and Health Institute.
* “CPR does more harm than good”. Ok, remember that you are only performing CPR on somebody who meets three criteria: They are unresponsive, they are not breathing, and they have no pulse. Guess what that makes them? You guessed it: Dead. You can’t make them deader. yes, you can break ribs, but I know lots of people that have survived broken ribs.
*  “Too expensive” or “Too long”. CPR classes are very inexpensive when you consider the peace of mind they bring and the life changing effect a little knowledge can have. New parents spend 20 or 30 dollars on new baby outfits all the time. Many infant CPR classes, which cover CPR as well as choking, cost the same amount. CPR class times can run between 2- 6 hours. The information and skills learned can last a lifetime. You are talking about a 2 year certification for about $50-$100 depending on the level of certification. Even at the most expensive, you are talking about less than $1 a week for the knowledge refresher.
* “CPR is only for Adults”. It is true cardiac arrest is very uncommon in children and kids. However, infant and child CPR classes also cover how to relieve choking and a good instructor, with real life experience can provide extremely helpful information on accident prevention.
* “I already know CPR”. The American Heart Association is constantly researching and reviewing the best way to provide CPR. Every few years the guidelines change and it is always best to learn the most current guidelines. The American Heart Association recommends renewing your CPR certification every 2 years.
* “I will never have to do CPR”. The chances that you will ever have to perform CPR are very small. However, choking is much more common an emergency and all AHA CPR classes also teach how to save someone who is choking. If EMS arrives at a cardiac arrest, and nobody is performing CPR, there is very little we can do, and the person will likely die. CPR gives them a chance.
*  “I could get sued”. All states now have some form of what is commonly called The Good Samaritan Law. These laws protect you, a Good Samaritan, from being sued, if in the course of trying to save someone, you cause injury. McDonalds stands a better chance of getting sued again by another genius spilling coffee on themselves and getting burned.
*  “CPR always works”. Unfortunately this is not true and is a very common belief that has been perpetuated by T.V and movies. The actual adult survival rate from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is about 5-10%. Survival rates increase if there is an AED present and if it is able to deliver a shock. However, if your heart stops and no one starts CPR then your chance of survival is zero.

The bottom line is this: A person in Sudden Cardiac Arrest has about 5-6 minutes to get a shock delivered to try to correct the heart rhythm. CPR by itself does NOT save lives, but it does buy time. With good CPR, you buy another 5-6 minutes. EMS may not be able to get to you in 5 minutes, but we can probably do 10-12. I encourage everyone to stay current in CPR (and by current, I mean never let your card expire). Additionally, if you are part of a large organization or business, I encourage you to look into getting an AED in your building. They are about the cost of a flatscreen TV, and really can make the difference.

Curt Newport, NREMT-B

Owner, EMT2GO, Newport Enterprises LLC
