Posts by: curt_newport

What To Do When 911 Fails

One of my colleagues sent me a link to an article the other day, I've included it at the end of this blog. The article in question refers to a complete failure of the 911 system in Fairfax County, Virginia, back in June, 2012. The failure followed a historic, albeit short-lived  storm, which is known as a derecho. Essentially, the region… read more →

When You Care Enough To Hit The Print Button

It's nice to be loved. This time of year, I am reminded how much I am loved, and how important my business is to many businesses, by the annual tradition of sending out Christmas Cards. Excuse me. I believe the accepted term is now Traditional Holiday Intended Nonspecific Greeting Cards. These days, the T.H.I.N.G. Cards are rolling in by the… read more →